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Mapping NYC's 23K Trashcan Locations

A Quick Look at Datawrapper's Tooltips

Forecasting National Park Visits

A Median Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe & Styling ggplot Text

Failure-to-Deliver Data via SEC and the GameStop Stock

JavaScript in RStudio with r2d3

Basic EDA for Multilevel Data in R

StreetEasy Neighborhood Rentals & CrossTalk

Web Scraping for Public Health Data

RStudio in the Cloud via Docker & AWS EC2

Updating this Site with blogdown

NYPD Article 221 Arrests and Summonses

Translating Tract-Level ACS Data to NYPD Precincts

Choropleths with 311 Data Using in R

Equity and 311 Heat & Hot Water Service Requests

Linear Mixed Effect Models with lme4

Predicting House Sale Price with the Ames Housing Data

Fraudulent Transaction Detection with GBM

EMS Call Volume Forecasting with Tensorflow BSTS

LSTM for EMS Call Volume Prediction

An Interactive Dash App for NYC Gas Consumption and Cost

A Quick Tableau Dashboard for NYC EMS Data

Forecasting Seasonal Time Series in R

NYC EMS Flexdashboard with Plotly

Plotly Scattermapbox with R and Python

Binary Response and GGally

Predicting Car Crashes with Insurance Data

Multiple Linear Regression Modelling; Money Ball