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Multiple Linear Regression Modelling; Money Ball

In this post I will pre-process, explore, transform, and model data from baseball team seasons from 1871-2006 inclusive (stats adjusted to match 162-game season). Feature additions and transformations can improve the predictive power of created models and in this post I’ll employ a Box-Cox transformation to acheive this.

The goal is to create a model that can predict baseball team wins based on the performance metrics captured in the training dataset moneyball-training-data.csv and then review the predictive quality by running the model with moneyball-evaluation-data.csv the testing dataset.

Libraries in use:


Data Exploration

High-level Findings

  • There are ~2300 observations with 16 variables included
  • Five of the variables have a number of missing values
  • Two of the variables have outliers
  • Multicollinearity present in seven variables
  • Untransformed (raw) data is not highly correlated with response
# read in data.  
mb_train <- paste0("",
mb_eval <- paste0("",

bsb_train_raw <- read_csv(mb_train)
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   INDEX = col_double(),
##   TARGET_WINS = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_H = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_2B = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_3B = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_HR = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_BB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_SO = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BASERUN_SB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BASERUN_CS = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_HBP = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_H = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_HR = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_BB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_SO = col_double(),
##   TEAM_FIELDING_E = col_double(),
##   TEAM_FIELDING_DP = col_double()
## )
mini_tbl<-psych::describe(bsb_train_raw[,-1], IQR=T)[,c(1:5,8:10,12,14)]

bsb_train <- data.table::setnames(bsb_train_raw, 
bsb_train[] <- 0  # used for simple plots - not used for model fitting
                                  # see data preperation section for more details.   
col_name_updater <- function(x, text_to_updt, replc_text){
  colnames(x) = gsub(text_to_updt, replc_text, colnames(x))
# shorten and clean colnames 
c1 <- col_name_updater(bsb_train, "batting", "bat")
c2 <- col_name_updater(c1, "pitching", "pitch")
c3 <- col_name_updater(c2, "fielding", "field")
c4 <- col_name_updater(c3, "baserun", "baser")
bsb_data <- col_name_updater(c4, "team", "t")
rm(c1,c2,c3, c4)

c1 <- col_name_updater(bsb_train_raw, "batting", "bat")
c2 <- col_name_updater(c1, "pitching", "pitch")
c3 <- col_name_updater(c2, "fielding", "field")
c4 <- col_name_updater(c3, "baserun", "baser")
bsb_train_raw <- col_name_updater(c4, "team", "t")
rm(c1,c2,c3, c4)

Findings Detail

The below investigation was completed prior to model-fitting in order to get a sense for the density and quality of the training data set and to preview what types of actions may need to be taken in the model-fitting steps.

Summary Statistics:

(#tab:review stats)Selected Stats
vars n mean sd median min max range kurtosis IQR
TARGET_WINS 1 2276 80.79 15.75 82.0 0 146 146 1.03 21.00
TEAM_BATTING_H 2 2276 1469.27 144.59 1454.0 891 2554 1663 7.28 154.25
TEAM_BATTING_2B 3 2276 241.25 46.80 238.0 69 458 389 0.01 65.00
TEAM_BATTING_3B 4 2276 55.25 27.94 47.0 0 223 223 1.50 38.00
TEAM_BATTING_HR 5 2276 99.61 60.55 102.0 0 264 264 -0.96 105.00
TEAM_BATTING_BB 6 2276 501.56 122.67 512.0 0 878 878 2.18 129.00
TEAM_BATTING_SO 7 2174 735.61 248.53 750.0 0 1399 1399 -0.32 382.00
TEAM_BASERUN_SB 8 2145 124.76 87.79 101.0 0 697 697 5.49 90.00
TEAM_BASERUN_CS 9 1504 52.80 22.96 49.0 0 201 201 7.62 24.00
TEAM_BATTING_HBP 10 191 59.36 12.97 58.0 29 95 66 -0.11 16.50
TEAM_PITCHING_H 11 2276 1779.21 1406.84 1518.0 1137 30132 28995 141.84 263.50
TEAM_PITCHING_HR 12 2276 105.70 61.30 107.0 0 343 343 -0.60 100.00
TEAM_PITCHING_BB 13 2276 553.01 166.36 536.5 0 3645 3645 96.97 135.00
TEAM_PITCHING_SO 14 2174 817.73 553.09 813.5 0 19278 19278 671.19 353.00
TEAM_FIELDING_E 15 2276 246.48 227.77 159.0 65 1898 1833 10.97 122.25
TEAM_FIELDING_DP 16 1990 146.39 26.23 149.0 52 228 176 0.18 33.00

Missing Values:

Review of the NA’s (see column n, Table1) revealed the following sparse variables. The value after the variable name represents the number of missing values followed % density on 2,276 records available in most (11 of 16) variables:

  • TEAM_BATTING_HBP: 2085: 8%
  • TEAM_BASERUN_CS: 772: 66%
  • TEAM_FIELDING_DP: 286: 87%
  • TEAM_PITCHING_SO: 102: 96%
  • TEAM_BATTING_SO: 102: 96%


Below, a preview of each variable in the data using box plots reveals at least 2 variables containing points with significant outliers:

  • TEAM_PITCHING_H (hits allowed by pitchers)
  • TEAM_PITCHING_SO (strikeouts by pitchers)

p1 <- bsb_data %>%
  gather(-index, key = "vars", value = "vals") %>% 
  select_("vars", "vals") %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(x = vars, y=vals)) +
  coord_flip() + xlab("")

p2 <- bsb_data %>%
  gather(-index, key = "vars", value = "vals") %>% 
  select_("vars", "vals") %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(x = vars, y=vals)) +
  scale_y_log10() + 
  coord_flip() + ylab("log(vals)") + xlab("")

suppressMessages(gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow=1))

Note that the right-hand side plot is a duplicate of the left-hand plot but uses a log scale for the value-axis.


The below heat-map style plot highlights the correlation that exists between some of the predictor variables in the training set:

# check correlations between prediction vars:  
# GGally::ggcorr(bsb_data[,c(6,8,12,13,15:17)], 
#                geom = "circle", nbreaks = 6, 
#                label=T, label_size = 3)

From the above plot above, selected variables and their respective correlation to other selected variables include:

  • TEAM_BATTING_HR and TEAM_BATTING_SO (HRs by batters and Strikeouts by batters)
  • TEAM_BATTING_SO and TEAM_PITCHING_HR (Strikeouts by batters and HR’s allowed by pitchers)
  • TEAM_BATTING_HR and TEAM_PITCHING_HR (HRs by batters and HRs allowed by pitch)
  • TEAM_FIELDING_E and TEAM_PITCHING_H (Fielding errors and Hits allowed by pitchers)
  • TEAM_FIELDING_DP and TEAM_FIELDING_E (Double-plays and fielding errors)

The presence of these values could indicate that some of these variables are doing ‘double-duty’ and may be removed in the fitting process with little loss of information.

Low Correlation To Response Variable

Pre-transformation TARGET_WINS vs. all other variables within the dataset in isoloation results in low correlation values and hints that transformations may be necessary in the modelling stage.

# see if there's cor btween target wins and others... 
sm_tab <- cor(bsb_data[,-1]) %>% %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "var_name") %>% 
  mutate(cor_val = round(target_wins , 4), 
         abs_cor_val = abs(cor_val)) %>% 
  select_("var_name", "abs_cor_val", "cor_val") %>% 
  arrange(desc(abs_cor_val)) %>% 
Table 1: Abs. Correlation Betwen Target Wins and other variables
var_name abs_cor_val cor_val
target_wins 1.0000 1.0000
t_bat_h 0.3888 0.3888
t_bat_2b 0.2891 0.2891
t_bat_bb 0.2326 0.2326
t_pitch_hr 0.1890 0.1890
t_field_e 0.1765 -0.1765

Plotting all the variables against TARGET_WINS further highlights these low values:

bsb_data[,-1] %>%
  gather(-target_wins, key = "vars", value = "vals") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = vals, y = target_wins)) +
    geom_point(alpha=.1) +
    facet_wrap(~ vars, scales = "free", ncol = 3)

For convenience, the above plot was built by substituting 0’s for NA’s for all data but model fits do not. The primary takeaway is that in isolation, none of the variables appears to be a great predictor of TARGET_WINS.

Data Preperation

Several different methods were investigated. The below provides a summary of methods used to prepare each of the data-sets for 3 different model fits for the purpose of prediction.

na_ifelse <- function(x, metric){
  #function to replace NAs
    result = ifelse(, mean(x, na.rm=T), x)
  }else if (metric == "med"){
    result = ifelse(, median(x, na.rm=T), x)
  }else if (metric == "min"){
    result = ifelse(, min(x, na.rm=T), x)
    result = ifelse(, 0, x)

Below, I have outlined the steps taken to prepare individual data-sets for each model.

Model 1 Data:

Motivation: Based on the most complete set of records with minimal imputation:

  • For TEAM_BATTING_SO and TEAM_PITCHING_SO, NA-values replaced with the mean and median respectively to address normal and skewed distributions respectively - these variables were only missing 4% of their records.
  • Removed TEAM_BATTING_HBP because of its numerous missing values (92% of records missing values for this variable.)
f1_bsb_raw <- bsb_train_raw %>% 
  mutate(t_bat_so = na_ifelse(t_bat_so, "mean"),
         t_pitch_so = na_ifelse(t_pitch_so, "med")) %>% 
# sapply(new_bsb_raw, function(x) sum(   # count na's per column!
# View(new_bsb_raw)

Model 2 Data:

Motivation: a refinement of the first model data-set that excludes variables that may be doing ‘double-duty’:

  • Replace NA with mean for: TEAM_FIELD_DP to cover 13% of missing values
  • Replace NA with median for TEAM_PITCH_SO to cover 4% missing values
  • Remove TEAM_BATTING_SO because it’s highly correlated with TEAM_PITCHING_SO
  • Remove TEAM_BASERUN_CS and TEAM_BATTING_HBP because 44% and 92% of records are missing respectively.
f2_bsb_raw <- bsb_train_raw %>% 
  mutate(t_field_dp = na_ifelse(t_field_dp, "mean"), 
         t_pitch_so = na_ifelse(t_pitch_so, "med")) %>% 
  select(-t_bat_so, -t_baser_cs, -t_bat_hbp)

Model3 Data:

Motivation: Address all/most multicollinearity encountered and reduce the number of predictors overall to simplify the model. Variable selection between correlated predictors was based on ‘hitting-variables’ because those intuitively may result in more runs, and therefore, more wins.

  • Remove TEAM_BASERUN_CS and TEAM_BATTING_HBP because 44% and 92% of records are missing respectively.
  • Remove TEAM_BATTING_2B/3B/HR as TEAM_BATTING_H covers all hit types - this is an attempt to simplify the model fit
  • Remove one side of the correlated pairs focusing on batting-related variables such that:
    • TEAM_BATTING_SO kept in, removed TEAM_PITCHING_SO
    • TEAM_BATTING_H kept in, removed TEAM_PITCHING_H
    • TEAM_PITCHING_HR kept in, removed TEAM_BATTING_HR as TEAM_BATTING_H covers all hits
    • TEAM_FIELDING_E kept in, removed TEAM_FIELDING_DP
f3_bsb_raw <- bsb_train_raw %>% 
  select(-t_baser_cs, -t_bat_hbp,
         -t_bat_2b, -t_bat_3b, -t_bat_hr,
         -t_pitch_so, -t_pitch_h, -t_field_dp)

## A function to pull the coefficients from a linear model and present them nicely. 
get_coefs <- function(an_lm){
  temp = an_lm$coefficients %>%
  temp$Vars = rownames(temp)
  colnames(temp)[1] = "Coefs."
  rownames(temp) = NULL

Build Models

Model Fitting

Models were fit with the respective data-sets created in the previous section. Each section will display the resulting fit’s coefficients but the discussion of the coefficients will be saved for the Model Selection section.


Fit1 utilized the stepAIC function from the MASS package to perform step-wise model selection by AIC. I used this auto-selection method to investigate an off-the-shelf model’s performance with no additional transformations or imputation beyond what was originally discussed.

######## MODEL 1 FIT ########################
fitA <- lm(target_wins ~., f1_bsb_raw[,-1])
fitA_stepped <- MASS::stepAIC(fitA, trace=F)
Table 2: Model 1 coefficients
Vars Coefs.
(Intercept) 58.4461
t_bat_h 0.0255
t_bat_2b -0.0698
t_bat_3b 0.1616
t_bat_hr 0.0977
t_bat_bb 0.0395
t_baser_sb 0.0360
t_baser_cs 0.0518
t_pitch_h 0.0091
t_pitch_so -0.0208
t_field_e -0.1560
t_field_dp -0.1131


Model 2 Fit:

An attempt at employing the powerTransform function from the car package to see if box-cox would yeild any transformation but my result was \(\lambda\approx1\) so I did not transform the model.

######## MODEL 2 FIT ########################
fitB <- lm(target_wins ~., f2_bsb_raw[,-1])
#fitB1 <- lm(target_wins+.01 ~., f2_bsb_raw[,-1])
#fitB_bc <- car::powerTransform(fitB1, family="bcPower") # 1.193639
#fitB_bc$roundlam # provides maximum estimator
#df <- cbind(lambda = fitB_bc$lambda, log_likli = fitB_bc$llik) %>%
#df <- df %>% ungroup() %>% arrange(desc(log_likli)) 

Table 3: Model 2 coefficients
Vars Coefs.
(Intercept) 29.7307
t_bat_h 0.0422
t_bat_2b -0.0490
t_bat_3b 0.0741
t_bat_hr 0.0147
t_bat_bb 0.0303
t_baser_sb 0.0565
t_pitch_h 0.0027
t_pitch_hr 0.0557
t_pitch_bb -0.0030
t_pitch_so -0.0102
t_field_e -0.0517
t_field_dp -0.1168


Model 3 Fit:

The result of the box-cox transform here was a value of \(\lambda\approx1\) which again called for no transformation.

Table 4: Model 3 coefficients
Vars Coefs.
(Intercept) 24.3922
t_bat_h 0.0343
t_bat_bb 0.0239
t_bat_so -0.0160
t_baser_sb 0.0558
t_pitch_hr 0.0681
t_pitch_bb -0.0034
t_field_e -0.0346

Select Models


My selection criteria is based on comparing \(R^2\) and F-Statistics. If the performance is similar across these measures, I will select the model that is the easiest to describe of the two.

Model Selection:

I utilized the stargazer package to create the table below that compares Models 1, 2, and 3. Note that at the bottom of the table the models are compared by \(R^2\), adjusted \(R^2\), and the \(F\)-statistic.

stargazer(fitA_stepped,fitB, fitC,
          column.sep.width = "1pt",
          single.row = T,

Dependent variable:
(1) (2) (3)
t_bat_h 0.026*** (0.006) 0.042*** (0.004) 0.034*** (0.003)
t_bat_2b -0.070*** (0.009) -0.049*** (0.009)
t_bat_3b 0.162*** (0.022) 0.074*** (0.017)
t_bat_hr 0.098*** (0.009) 0.015 (0.027)
t_bat_bb 0.039*** (0.003) 0.030*** (0.006) 0.024*** (0.004)
t_bat_so -0.016*** (0.002)
t_baser_sb 0.036*** (0.009) 0.057*** (0.004) 0.056*** (0.004)
t_baser_cs 0.052*** (0.018)
t_pitch_h 0.009*** (0.002) 0.003*** (0.0004)
t_pitch_hr 0.056** (0.025) 0.068*** (0.008)
t_pitch_bb -0.003 (0.004) -0.003 (0.003)
t_pitch_so -0.021*** (0.002) -0.010*** (0.002)
t_field_e -0.156*** (0.010) -0.052*** (0.003) -0.035*** (0.003)
t_field_dp -0.113*** (0.013) -0.117*** (0.012)
Constant 58.446*** (6.589) 29.731*** (5.187) 24.392*** (4.803)
Observations 1,486 2,145 2,043
R2 0.438 0.374 0.337
Adjusted R2 0.434 0.370 0.335
F Statistic 104.596*** (df = 11; 1474) 106.144*** (df = 12; 2132) 147.644*** (df = 7; 2035)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Observations from these 3 models:

  • None of the 3 models have very high \(R^2\) values.
  • Each model’s F-statistic indicates that there is a relationship between predictor and the response variables included in the fits


Model1: The intercept (‘Constant’) is too low for the mean value of TARGET_WINS but it’s not likely that every baseball team will get ~58 wins a season. The signs of the coefficients are problematic for several cases e.g. TEAM_BASERUN_CS (caught stealing) is positive but that would be detrimental to the wins and TEAM_FIELDING_E (fielding errors) are negative but fielding errors would lead to more on-bases and therefore, more runs.

Model2: More-intuitive intercept value but similarly un-intuitive coefficient signs that mirror the issues pointed out in Model1.

Model3: This model contains the fewest variables but 2 of them still have problematic signs including TEAM_FIELDING_E and TEAM_PITCHING_BB which I would expect to be positively correlated with wins.

Based on my criteria, since the performance of Model 1 is superior compared to the three models, I have selected Model 1.

Model Evaluation:

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 58.45 6.589 8.87 2.061e-18
t_bat_h 0.0255 0.005837 4.369 1.336e-05
t_bat_2b -0.06983 0.009292 -7.515 9.857e-14
t_bat_3b 0.1616 0.02216 7.294 4.907e-13
t_bat_hr 0.09775 0.009435 10.36 2.516e-24
t_bat_bb 0.03948 0.003356 11.77 1.313e-30
t_baser_sb 0.03603 0.008668 4.157 3.407e-05
t_baser_cs 0.05177 0.0182 2.844 0.004511
t_pitch_h 0.00907 0.002353 3.855 0.0001205
t_pitch_so -0.02083 0.002312 -9.006 6.419e-19
t_field_e -0.156 0.009917 -15.73 1.205e-51
t_field_dp -0.1131 0.01312 -8.623 1.653e-17
Fitting linear model: target_wins ~ t_bat_h + t_bat_2b + t_bat_3b + t_bat_hr + t_bat_bb + t_baser_sb + t_baser_cs + t_pitch_h + t_pitch_so + t_field_e + t_field_dp
Observations Residual Std. Error \(R^2\) Adjusted \(R^2\)
1486 9.548 0.4384 0.4342

The summary output from Model 1, above, reveals a number of challenges:

  • The Intercept value of ~ 60 could be too high given that TARGET_WINS can take values as low as 0 (team loses all games) but it could also be too low given that the mean and median is \(approx\) 80.
  • The coefficients have very low p-values so the observed data is extremely unlikely to to have arisen if the the null hypothesis were true (i.e. that \(H_0: \beta_i = 0\) so we can reject the null hypothesis)
  • 790 observations related to the missing values in columns TEAM_BATTING_HBP
  • The \(R^2\) and multiple \(R^2\) values are low (\(R^2<.70\)) at \(\approx.43\) - this indicates to me that the data isn’t very close to the fitted regression and may provide poor predictions
  • The negative coefficients under TEAM_BATTING_2B and other base-gaining activities is counter-intuitive as getting on-base intuitively would result in more wins.

Below, the residual and QQ plots of Model1 appear to support a normal classification with some reservations. The residuals vs. the fitted plot appear to have a slight ‘kink’ when I expected an even, straight line. The normal QQ plot doesn’t deviate from the diagnol except in a few outlying cases.



Model CI:

  2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 45.52 71.37
t_bat_h 0.01405 0.03695
t_bat_2b -0.08806 -0.0516
t_bat_3b 0.1182 0.2051
t_bat_hr 0.07924 0.1163
t_bat_bb 0.0329 0.04607
t_baser_sb 0.01903 0.05304
t_baser_cs 0.01607 0.08747
t_pitch_h 0.004455 0.01368
t_pitch_so -0.02536 -0.01629
t_field_e -0.1754 -0.1365
t_field_dp -0.1389 -0.08741


bsb_eval_raw <- read_csv(mb_eval) 
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   INDEX = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_H = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_2B = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_3B = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_HR = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_BB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_SO = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BASERUN_SB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BASERUN_CS = col_double(),
##   TEAM_BATTING_HBP = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_H = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_HR = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_BB = col_double(),
##   TEAM_PITCHING_SO = col_double(),
##   TEAM_FIELDING_E = col_double(),
##   TEAM_FIELDING_DP = col_double()
## )
bsb_eval_raw <- data.table::setnames(bsb_eval_raw, 

c1 <- col_name_updater(bsb_eval_raw, "batting", "bat")
c2 <- col_name_updater(c1, "pitching", "pitch")
c3 <- col_name_updater(c2, "fielding", "field")
c4 <- col_name_updater(c3, "baserun", "baser")
bsb_eval_raw <- col_name_updater(c4, "team", "t")

bsb_eval_raw <- bsb_eval_raw %>% 
  mutate(t_bat_so = na_ifelse(t_bat_so, "mean"),
         t_pitch_so = na_ifelse(t_pitch_so, "med")) %>% 

Below, I’ve used the evaluation data set, predicted the wins based on its ~200 records, and plotted the TARGET_WINS vs TEAM_BATTING_H. You can see the values wins predicted based on model 1 red in color.

# load test data into prediction
target_wins <- predict.lm(fitA_stepped, newdata=bsb_eval_raw[,-1])

# complete the test set
eval_set <- cbind(,bsb_eval_raw[,-1]) %>% 

tot_set <- f1_bsb_raw[,-1] %>% 

tot_set <- rbind(tot_set, eval_set)

x<-ggplot(tot_set, aes(x=t_bat_h, y=target_wins, color=tag)) +