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Equity and 311 Heat & Hot Water Service Requests

In this post I’ll be investigating equity between different census tracts in NYC based on economic measures and the open-to-close service request (SR) duration for 311 heat/hot water complaints.

Census Tract Granularity

If you’ve checked out my previous posts, you know I’ve done a bunch of work with NYC’s OpenData at the ZIP-code level. Today I’m going to go a step further and obtain NYC data with latitude and longitude coordinates and merge it with census data by census tract from the 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) from 2016.

While ACS data is available at the ZIP-code level (see zcta) and I’ve used it several times, ZIP codes can span many census tracts. Using the census-tract level provides more detail regarding the socio-economic differences between geographic locations that can be obscured at the ZIP-code level.

311 Service Request Data

The data under investigation will be 311 Service Requests from 2010 to Present – specifically service requests related to complaints about heat and hot water – from NYC’s OpenData platform along with the 5-year American Community Survey data via the very-helpful tidycensus package.


First I used tidycensus to obtain the ACS data for selected dimensions. You’ll need a census API key that can be obtained here.

bcodes <- c("005","047", "061", "081", "085")

vars <- c("B01001_001", "B19001_001", "B19083_001", "B19013_001")

nyc <- get_acs(geography = "tract", 
               year = 2016,
               variables = vars, 
               state = "NY", 
               county = bcodes,
               cb = FALSE) %>% 
  select(-c("moe")) %>% 
  spread(variable, estimate) %>% 
  select(ct = GEOID, ct_pop = "B01001_001", 
         ct_house_qty = "B19001_001", 
         ct_gini = "B19083_001", 
         ct_med_inc = "B19013_001")
    # Getting data from the 2012-2016 5-year ACS
nyc %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 2,167
## Columns: 5
## $ ct           <chr> "36005000100", "36005000200", "36005000400", "36005001600~
## $ ct_pop       <dbl> 7503, 5251, 5980, 6056, 2682, 9131, 4824, 123, 5651, 3034~
## $ ct_house_qty <dbl> 0, 1331, 1926, 1970, 962, 3008, 1960, 26, 1817, 1076, 143~
## $ ct_gini      <dbl> NA, 0.4021, 0.3636, 0.4343, 0.4626, 0.5349, 0.4790, NA, 0~
## $ ct_med_inc   <dbl> NA, 70893, 76667, 31540, 39130, 17083, 16503, NA, 21060, ~

Below I create a couple of functions for dealing with the json response from the OpenData API and pull down the data:

api_date <- function(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2){
  # start and end date range for API query
  ds = as.Date(paste(toString(y1), toString(m1), d1, sep="-"))
  de = as.Date(paste(toString(y2), toString(m2), d2, sep="-"))
  s = format(ds, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS3")
  e = format(ceiling_date(de, "day") - milliseconds(1), 
  return(toString(paste("%27", s, "%27 and %27", e, "%27", sep="")))

get_data <- function(surl){
  # transform API response to dataframe
  return(jsonlite::fromJSON(gsub(" ","%20", surl)))

date_delta <- function(s,e){
  return(as.numeric(e-s, units = "hours"))

my311 <- function(complaint, y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2, off, limit){
  # format URL for query to NYC EMS API
  svc311 <- paste0("", 
  lim_url = paste0("&$limit=", formatC(limit, format = "f", digits = 0))
  offset = paste0("&$offset=", formatC(off, format = "f", digits = 0))

  q_url = paste0(svc311,
                 "incident_address as address,",
                 "count(unique_key) AS svc_qty,",
                 "created_date AS op_date,",
                 "closed_date AS cl_date,",
                 "x_coordinate_state_plane as x_sp,",
                 "y_coordinate_state_plane as y_sp&$",
                 "where=created_date between ",
                 api_date(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2)," AND ",
                 paste0(" in (%27", 
                        paste0(complaint, collapse = "%27,%27"), 
                 " AND status in (%27Closed%27) AND ",
                 "borough not in (%27Unspecified%27)",
                 lim_url, offset)
  return(get_data(gsub(" ","%20", q_url)))

my311_mult <- function(complaint, y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2, limit){
  # pull multi-page data from api 
  df = data.frame()
  off = 0
    if (nrow(df) == off){
      df = rbind(df, my311(complaint, y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2, off, limit))
      off = off + limit
    }else {
  df = df %>% 
    mutate(op_date = ymd_hms(op_date), 
           cl_date = ymd_hms(cl_date), 
           resp_hr = date_delta(op_date, cl_date), 
           x_sp = as.numeric(x_sp),
           y_sp = as.numeric(y_sp)

complaint = "HEAT/HOT WATER"
limit = 100000

hh311_new <- my311_mult(complaint, 2017, 10, 1, 2018, 5, 31, limit)
hh311_new %>% glimpse(width = 60)
## Rows: 214,110
## Columns: 12
## $ borough        <chr> "BRONX", "BRONX", "BRONX", "BRONX",~
## $ city           <chr> "BRONX", "BRONX", "BRONX", "BRONX",~
## $ agency         <chr> "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", ~
## $ complaint_type <chr> "HEAT/HOT WATER", "HEAT/HOT WATER",~
## $ incident_zip   <chr> "10451", "10451", "10451", "10451",~
## $ address        <chr> "750 GRAND CONCOURSE", "900 GRAND C~
## $ svc_qty        <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", ~
## $ op_date        <dttm> 2017-10-01 02:11:22, 2017-10-01 10~
## $ cl_date        <dttm> 2017-10-02 08:40:00, 2017-10-02 08~
## $ x_sp           <dbl> 1005126, 1005760, 1005746, 1006430,~
## $ y_sp           <dbl> 239165, 240735, 239805, 239145, 239~
## $ resp_hr        <dbl> 30.47722, 22.26056, 40.96778, 53.97~

Next I’ve included some functions I created to deal with observations that had missing lat and lon coordinates. I used the bing maps API and you can sign up for an API token here.

get_lat_lon_url <- function(borough, address){
  # query bing maps API for missing lat/lon points
  bing_token <- Sys.getenv("BING_TOKEN")
  base_url = ""
  q_url = paste0(base_url,
  return(gsub(" ","%20", q_url))

get_lat_lon_df <- function(borough, address, surl){
  # translate Bing API response to df
  rslt_qual = c("High")
  if(surl$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$confidence %in% rslt_qual){
    lat = surl$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$point$coordinates[[1]]
    lon = surl$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$point$coordinates[[2]]
    incident_zip = surl$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$address$postalCode[1]
    lat = 0
    lon = 0 
    incident_zip = 0}
  df = data.frame(borough, address, incident_zip, lat, lon,
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

get_lat_lon <- function(borough, address){
  # convert json response to data frame
  surl = get_lat_lon_url(borough, address)
  response = jsonlite::read_json(surl)
  df = get_lat_lon_df(borough, address, response)

lat_lon_df <- function(df){
  # creates combined df for addresses with missing lat/lon coords
  # only returns items where match via bing API is "good"
  dft = df %>% 
    filter(, %>% 
    group_by(borough, address) %>% 
    summarise(t = n())
  frame = data.frame()
  for (i in 1:nrow(dft)){
    tdf = get_lat_lon(dft[i,]$borough, dft[i,]$address)
    frame = rbind(frame, tdf)
  return(frame %>% filter(incident_zip != "0"))

Bing maps didn’t find coordinates for all the addresses but I cleared up a few.

# n_missed <- lat_lon_df(hh311)
# n_missed %>% write.csv("NYC17-18heatMissed.csv")
n_missed <- read.csv("NYC17-18heatMissed.csv", 
                      colClasses = c(incident_zip = "character"),
                     stringsAsFactors = F) %>% 
n_repaired <- hh311_new %>% 
  filter(, %>%  # 41
  select(-c(x_sp,y_sp,incident_zip)) %>% 
  merge(n_missed, by.x = c("borough", "address"), all.x = T)

To get the census tract ID for each lat and lon pair, I used the call_geolocator_latlon function from the tigris library and saved it to a local csv file. This can take a while if you’re working with a lot of points.

df_points <- read.csv("census_tracts_nyc311.csv", 
                      colClasses = c(address = "character", 
                      ct_tract = "character")) %>%

df_points %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 48,253
## Columns: 4
## $ address  <chr> "89-21 ELMHURST AVENUE", "1711 FULTON STREET", "9511 SHORE RO~
## $ lat      <dbl> 40.74742, 40.67934, 40.61637, 40.84346, 40.84196, 40.82459, 4~
## $ lon      <dbl> -73.87685, -73.93044, -74.03827, -73.92470, -73.85773, -73.87~
## $ ct_tract <chr> "360810271001002", "360470297002003", "360470054001002", "360~

Next I add my cleaned up observations to the data that I originally pulled, normalize any duplicated calls, and drop observations that are longer than 30 days:

df <- hh311_new %>%
  na.omit() %>% 
  arrange(op_date) %>% 
  mutate(svc_qty = as.numeric(svc_qty),
         # calls at same exact time combined to 1 
         svc_qty = ifelse(svc_qty > 1, 1, svc_qty)) %>% 
  filter(resp_hr > 0,       # drops 9 records
         resp_hr / 24 < 30  # drops 21 records greater than 30 days
         ) %>% 
  inner_join(df_points, by.x = c("address"), all.x = T) %>% 
  mutate(ct = substr(ct_tract, start = 1, stop = 11))
## Joining, by = "address"
df %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 266,734
## Columns: 16
## $ borough        <chr> "BROOKLYN", "MANHATTAN", "MANHATTAN", "BROOKLYN", "BRON~
## $ city           <chr> "BROOKLYN", "NEW YORK", "NEW YORK", "BROOKLYN", "BRONX"~
## $ agency         <chr> "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD", "HPD",~
## $ complaint_type <chr> "HEAT/HOT WATER", "HEAT/HOT WATER", "HEAT/HOT WATER", "~
## $ incident_zip   <chr> "11221", "10031", "10023", "11235", "10451", "10451", "~
## $ address        <chr> "591 MADISON STREET", "515 WEST  147 STREET", "23 WEST ~
## $ svc_qty        <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1~
## $ op_date        <dttm> 2017-10-01 00:06:02, 2017-10-01 00:07:17, 2017-10-01 0~
## $ cl_date        <dttm> 2017-10-04 10:34:31, 2017-10-05 02:07:03, 2017-10-05 0~
## $ x_sp           <dbl> 1002578, 998824, 990867, 994351, 1005126, 1005126, 1005~
## $ y_sp           <dbl> 189447, 240517, 222426, 149940, 239165, 239165, 239165,~
## $ resp_hr        <dbl> 82.47472, 97.99611, 102.00194, 72.61639, 30.47722, 30.4~
## $ lat            <dbl> 40.68665, 40.82683, 40.77718, 40.57822, 40.82310, 40.82~
## $ lon            <dbl> -73.93391, -73.94734, -73.97611, -73.96364, -73.92457, ~
## $ ct_tract       <chr> "360470293003001", "360610233003000", "360610157001000"~
## $ ct             <chr> "36047029300", "36061023300", "36061015700", "360470362~

Data Exploration

Next I prepare the data for plotting.

inc_levs <- c(0.00,31167.15,61277.16,91387.18,250001.00)
inc_labels <- c("$0K-31K","$32K-61K","$62K-91K","$92K-250K+")

gini_levs <- c(0.1176,0.4136,0.4546,0.4957,0.7408)
gini_labels <- c("0-Q1","Q1-Q2","Q2-Q3", "Q3+")

plot_dat <- df %>% 
  merge(nyc, by.x = "ct", all.x = T) %>% 
  mutate(op_ym = strftime(op_date, format="%Y-%m"), 
         ct_med_inc_4lev = cut(ct_med_inc, 
                               breaks = inc_levs, 
                               labels = inc_labels), 
         ct_med_inc_2lev = cut(ct_med_inc, 
                               breaks = c(0.00,31167.15,250001.00), 
                               labels = c("$0K-31K","$32K-250K+")), 
         ct_gini_quants = cut(ct_gini, 
                               breaks = gini_levs, 
                               labels = gini_labels),
         ct_gini_q2 = cut(ct_gini, 
                          breaks = c(0.1176,0.4136,0.7408), 
                          labels = c("0-Q1","Q1-Q3+"))) %>% 
  filter(!,op_date > date("2017-10-2"))

theme1 <- theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), 
                legend.spacing.x = unit(.5,"cm"),
          = margin(.01,.01,0,.01, "cm"),
                #  top, right, bottom, and left 
                plot.margin = margin(.01,.2,.1,.5, "cm"))

theme2 <- theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(),

SR Volume and Open-to-Close Duration by CT-level Median Incomes

Here we have the raw counts of SRs per income level on top of boxplots for the SR open-to-close duration in hours:

p1 <- plot_dat %>% 
  group_by(op_ym, ct_med_inc_4lev) %>% 
  summarise(SR_qty = sum(svc_qty)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = SR_qty, 
             fill = ct_med_inc_4lev))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", 
           alpha = .8)+
  labs(y = "SR Counts")+
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'op_ym'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
p2 <- plot_dat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = resp_hr, fill = ct_med_inc_4lev))+
               outlier.alpha = .1)+
  labs(y = "SR Duration, Hours")+

plot_grid(p1, p2, align = "v", nrow = 2, rel_heights = c(3/8, 5/8))

The lower end of the median-income spectrum takes longer than the rest in terms of duration between SR open and close for every month except February 2018.

Combining all median income levels above $0-31K shows a similar pattern:

p3 <- plot_dat %>% 
  group_by(op_ym, ct_med_inc_2lev) %>% 
  summarise(SR_qty = sum(svc_qty)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = SR_qty, 
             fill = ct_med_inc_2lev))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", 
           alpha = .8)+
  labs(y = "SR Counts")+
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'op_ym'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
p4 <- plot_dat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = resp_hr, 
             fill = ct_med_inc_2lev))+
               outlier.alpha = .1)+
  labs(y = "SR Duration, Hours")+

plot_grid(p3, p4, align = "v", nrow = 2, rel_heights = c(3/8, 5/8))

Although the $32K-250K+ median income levels have over double the number of calls per month, they still lag behind with longer SR open-to-close durations.

SR Volume and Open-to-Close Duration by CT-level Gini Coefficients

Next we’ll review the same measures broken down by census tract Gini values. From the Wikipedia article:

The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has the same income). A Gini coefficient of 1 (or 100%) expresses maximal inequality among values (e.g., for a large number of people, where only one person has all the income or consumption, and all others have none, the Gini coefficient will be very nearly one).

To give you a sense for NYC’s census tract Gini values, here is a histogram of the values among the 2K+ census tracts in the data:

nyc %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  geom_histogram(alpha = .8, bins = 50)+
  labs(x= "Gini Coefficient", 
       y= "Frequency")

And a summary of the Gini values:

nyc$ct_gini %>% summary()
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##  0.1176  0.4136  0.4546  0.4580  0.4957  0.7408      54

The following plots are broken into the above quantiles

p5 <- plot_dat %>% 
  group_by(op_ym, ct_gini_quants) %>% 
  summarise(SR_qty = sum(svc_qty)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = SR_qty, 
             fill = ct_gini_quants))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", 
           alpha = .8)+
  labs(y = "SR Counts")+
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'op_ym'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
p6 <- plot_dat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = resp_hr, 
             fill = ct_gini_quants))+
               outlier.alpha = .1)+
  labs(y = "SR Duration, Hours")+

plot_grid(p5, p6, align = "v", nrow = 2, rel_heights = c(3/8, 5/8))

This plot indicates that more income equality (0-Q1) leads to longer SR open-to-close duration while more income inequality (Q3+) leads to shorter SR open-to-close duration.

Next, I’ll compare 0-Q1 with Q1 through Q3+ grouped:

p7 <- plot_dat %>% 
  group_by(op_ym, ct_gini_q2) %>% 
  summarise(SR_qty = sum(svc_qty)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = SR_qty, 
             fill = ct_gini_q2))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", 
           alpha = .8)+
  labs(y = "SR Counts")+
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'op_ym'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
p8 <- plot_dat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = op_ym, y = resp_hr, 
             fill = ct_gini_q2))+
               outlier.alpha = .1)+
  labs(y = "SR Duration, Hours")+

plot_grid(p7, p8, align = "v", nrow = 2, rel_heights = c(3/8, 5/8))

The pattern of longer open-to-close SR duration for census tracts with higher levels of income equality remains.

Scope and Risks

This brief exploration was focused on equity for heat/hot water calls by comparing open-to-close service request SR duration for census tracts of NYC broken down by economic measures.

While this analysis indicates a potential of income-based inequality for heat/hot water service calls, it is not conclusive and should be taken with a grain of salt. Below I have listed the specifics of the data and some important points of consideration:

  • SRs under investigation span 2017-2018 heating season (October 1st through May 31st) that have a SR status of closed
  • SRs that originate from the same address at the same time have been re-leveled to account for a single calls
  • 25 SRs have been removed for lack census-tract available information and 30 SRs were removed for being longer than 30 days or having a duration equal to zero
  • SR open-to-close duration is unlikely to comprehensively measure the duration that NYC residents were without heat - there is likely an administrative element related to NYC’s 311 agency related to this duration that could overstate the duration in a number of ways
  • Housing units with an owner on-premises may deal with heat & hot water problems differently than multi-tenant apartment buildings
  • A 2017 studyfound that there are socio-spatial differentials in the propensity to complain about heat and hot water using 311 (i.e. certain populations under-use –or not use at all – 311 while others use it frequently)
  • Older buildings may need more service requests