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Web Scraping for Public Health Data

Part of the new normal for many data analytics professionals is being able to obtain Covid-19 data by geographic location. To address this need, today’s post is going to walk through how to scrape the repo for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene using the flexible rvest library to to create a time-series of positive cases by NYC zip code.

RStudio in the Cloud via Docker & AWS EC2

In today’s post I am going to go through the steps needed to get RStudio up-and-running in the cloud using Amazon’s free-tier EC2 services, Docker, and rocker/tidyverse (free-tier setups can still result in expenses so please read the documentation carefully!). If you’ve never done anything with AWS before, the first thing you’ll need to do is create and activate an AWS account. After that, as long as you’ve got RStudio, Git BASH, and a Win 10 PC, the remainder of the instructions should work without issue.

Updating this Site with blogdown

The shutdown related to the global pandemic has freed up some time for me and that seemed like a good enough reason to update the look of my website. In today’s post, I will share my experience with blogdown as well as the resources I used to make the update. Background Up until now, I had been using the PyCharm IDE along with Jekyll to create posts from .

NYPD Article 221 Arrests and Summonses

Today’s post builds upon some of the work from a previous post to include historic and year-to-date Arrest and Summonses counts by NYPD precinct. The aim is to use visualization (plotly, primarily) to explore the impact of policy changes on racial equity over time. Data Historic and Year-to-Date information from NYC’s OpenData API for NYPD Arrests and Summonses related to Article 221 of the New York Penal Law (PL221) from 2009-07-01 through 2019-06-30 (10-years of data).